Whatsapp to start Video Call

4:52 AM |
If you are a crazy whatsapp user then there is a good news for crazy whatsapp fans. Whatsapp are about to add voice call in its app in to take bid to skype and other voice and messaging apps.

After Facebook bought for $19bn this move is expected to open a major new market.

The users can make voice calls to contacts as trhe same way as they send messages.

Androidworld, A Dutch site has unsealed the screenshots in test code.
Bluetooth sets or either headsets will be applicable to make voice calls. IT is expected that the feature will be exactly like message text or picture.
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Stons skips several times if you project with 20 degree

6:53 AM |
You may have done this on your childhood or often now when you are alone and sittting by a pond . Guessed ? May be you know it , you might have thrown stone in the pond to bounce it several times. You might have played competition even with your friends who will have the stone for maximum bounces. The science that lies behind this trick is amazing.

If you want the stone to bounce the water for several times you have to project it at an angle of 20 degree. This angle of projection will make your stone bounce for several times. A Utah researcher has investigated how things and substance skips on water. The flatter the angle should be made, heavier the object is. It is also practised in military on throwing cannon balls and bullets.

Reseachers described about the combined complicated physics behind the mechanism of skipping a stone in the water. Hope the next time you skip a stone you can beat all your friends. Good Luck !
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