Namrata Sapkota's -Kantipur Saptahik Posture

3:54 AM |
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Nokia Lumia 1020 (41 MP Camera Test)

3:47 AM |
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When to have sex if you want to get pregnant

1:37 AM |

If my periods are irregular, will it be harder for me to get pregnant?
    Can't we just try and see what happens?
    When is the best time to have sex if we're trying to conceive?
    How do I know when I'm ovulating?

When is the best time to have sex if we're trying to conceive?
Ovulation Calculator

Find out when you're likely to ovulate – and boost your chances of conceiving.

Timing is everything. Sperm can live for two to three days, but the egg is around for only 12 to 24 hours. To increase the likelihood of conception, it's important to have intercourse more than once around the time of ovulation. A good approach is to have sex one to two days before ovulation and again on the day you ovulate. That way, there's more likely to be a healthy supply of sperm waiting in the fallopian tube when an egg is released.

Of course, exactly when a woman ovulates isn't altogether clear. It all depends on the length of your menstrual cycle. A woman typically ovulates about 14 days before her next period — not mid-cycle, as is commonly held. If you have a 28-day cycle, which is the average, then you would ovulate halfway through your cycle. But if you have a 35-day cycle, you would ovulate around day 21, not day 17.

To determine the time when you're most likely to be fertile, try our ovulation calculator.
How do I know when I'm ovulating?

Some women are very aware of when they ovulate. Other women don't notice any changes at all. If you're thinking about getting pregnant, try to track your cycle for a couple of months. Some subtle signs of ovulation include:

    Breast tenderness
    Slight feelings of discomfort in your middle abdomen
    Increased vaginal discharge that takes on a wetter, egg-white-type quality
    A slight increase (about 0.4 to 1 degree Fahrenheit) in basal body temperature, or BBT, which you can detect by taking your temperature each morning before you get out of bed, two days after you ovulate. You can get a good sense of your cycle if you chart your BBT for a few months.
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NASA Rover Gets Movie as a Mars Moon Passes Another

5:49 AM |
 The larger of the two moons of Mars, Phobos, passes directly in front of the other, Deimos, in a new series of sky-watching images from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity.

A video clip assembled from the images is at .

Large craters on Phobos are clearly visible in these images from the surface of Mars. No previous images from missions on the surface caught one moon eclipsing the other.

The telephoto-lens camera of Curiosity's two-camera Mast Camera (Mastcam) instrument recorded the images on Aug. 1.  Some of the full-resolution frames were not downlinked until more than a week later, in the data-transmission queue behind higher-priority images being used for planning the rover's drives.

These observations of Phobos and Deimos help researchers make knowledge of the moons' orbits even more precise.

"The ultimate goal is to improve orbit knowledge enough that we can improve the measurement of the tides Phobos raises on the Martian solid surface, giving knowledge of the Martian interior," said Mark Lemmon of Texas A&M University, College Station.  He is a co-investigator for use of Curiosity's Mastcam.  "We may also get data good enough to detect density variations within Phobos and to determine if Deimos' orbit is systematically changing."

The orbit of Phobos is very slowly getting closer to Mars. The orbit of Deimos may be slowly getting farther from the planet.

Lemmon and colleagues determined that the two moons would be visible crossing paths at a time shortly after Curiosity would be awake for transmitting data to NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter for relay to Earth. That made the moon observations feasible with minimal impact on the rover's energy budget.

Although Phobos has a diameter less than one percent the diameter of Earth's moon, Phobos also orbits much closer to Mars than our moon's distance from Earth. As seen from the surface of Mars, Phobos looks about half as wide as what Earth's moon looks like to viewers on Earth.

NASA's Mars Science Laboratory project is using Curiosity and the rover's 10 science instruments to investigate the environmental history within Gale Crater, a location where the project has found that conditions were long ago favorable for microbial life.

Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, built and operates Curiosity's Mastcam.  JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington and built the Navigation Camera and the rover.
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10 Ways to Make Money with Your Website

5:01 AM |
There are several lists with “ways to make money with a website” on the Internet, but none of them seem to be complete. That is why I decided to create this one. If you know a method that is not listed below, just let us know and we’ll update it.

Notice that ways to make money with a website are different from ways to make more money from it. Methods to increase your traffic or click-through rate will help you make more money, but they do not represent a method of making money per se.

For example, one could suggest that blending AdSense ads with the content is a way to make money from a website. In reality it’s not; it’s just a way to make more money by improving your ad click-through rate. The real monetization method behind it is a PPC ad network.  

1. CPM Advertising Networks

CPM advertising networks behave pretty much as PPC networks, except that you get paid according to the number of impressions (i.e., page views) that the ads displayed on your site will generate. CPM stands for Cost per Mille, and it refers to the cost for 1,000 impressions.

A blog that generates 100,000 page views monthly displaying an advertising banner with a $1 CPM, therefore, will earn $100 monthly.

CPM rates vary with the network, the position of the ad and the format. The better the network, the higher the CPM rate (because they have access to more advertisers). The closer you put the ad to the top of the page, the higher the CPM. The bigger the format (in terms of pixels), the higher the CPM.

You can get as low as $0,10 and as high as $10 per 1,000 impressions (more in some special cases). CPM advertising tends to work well on websites with a high page views per visitor ratio (e.g., online forums, magazines and so on).

List of popular CPM advertising networks:

    Casale Media
    Burst Media
    Value Click
    Tribal Fusion
    Right Media

2.Premium Content

Some websites and blogs give away part of their content for free, and charge for access to the premium content and exclusive tools.

SEOMoz is a good example. They have a very popular blog that gives advice and information on wide range of SEO related topics. On top of that visitors can decide to become premium members. It costs $48 monthly and it grants them access to guides, tools and other exclusive material.

3. PPC Advertising Networks

Google AdSense is the most popular option under this category, but there are also others. Basically you need to sign up with the network and paste some code snippets on your website. The network will then serve contextual ads (either text or images) relevant to your website, and you will earn a certain amount of money for every click.

The profitability of PPC advertising depends on the general traffic levels of the website and, most importantly, on the click-through rate (CTR) and cost per click (CPC). The CTR depends on the design of the website. Ads placed abode the fold or blended with content, for instance, tend to get higher CTRs. The CPC, on the other hand, depends on the nice of the website. Mortgages, financial products and college education are examples of profitable niches (clicks worth a couple of dollars are not rare), while tech-related topics tend to receive a smaller CPC (sometimes as low as a couple of cents per click).

The source of the traffic can also affect the overall CTR rate. Organic traffic (the one that comes from search engines) tends to perform well because these visitors were already looking for something, and they tend to click on ads more often. Social media traffic, on the other hand, presents terribly low CTRs because these visitors are tech-savvy and they just ignore ads.

List of popular CPC advertising networks:

    Google Adsense
    Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN)

4. Direct Banner Advertising

Selling your own advertising space is one of the most lucrative monetization methods. First and foremost because it enables you to cut out the middleman commissions and to determine your own rates. The most popular banner formats on the web are the 728×90 leaderboard, the 120×600 skyscraper, the 300×250 rectangle and the 125×125 button.

The downside of direct banner advertising is that you need to have a big audience to get qualified advertisers, and you will need to spend time managing the sales process, the banners and the payments.

Related links:

    How to Find Advertisers for Your Website
    Finding Advertisers for Your Blog
    Direct Advertising Sales for Beginners
    Openads Ad Server
    OIO Publisher Ad Platform

5. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a very popular practice on the Internet. Under this system you have a merchant that is willing to let other people (the affiliates) sell directly or indirectly its products and services, in exchange for a commission. Sometimes this type of advertising is also called CPA (cost per action) or CPL (cost per lead) based.

Affiliates can send potential customers to the merchant using several tools, from banners to text links and product reviews.

In order to find suitable affiliate programs you can turn to individual companies and publishers like Dreamhost and SEOBook, or join affiliate marketplaces and networks.

List of popular affiliate marketplaces and networks:

    Commission Junction
    Azoogle Ads
    Link Share

6. Monetization Widgets

The latest trend on the web are widgets that let you monetize your website. Examples include Widgetbucks and SmartLinks. Some of these services operate under a PPC scheme, others behave like text link ads, others yet leverage affiliate links.

Their main differentiator, however, is the fact that they work as web widgets, making it easier for the user to plug and play the service on its website.

List of companies that provide monetization widgets:


7. Text Link Ads

After Google declared that sites selling text links without the nofollow tag would be penalized, this monetization method became less popular.

Many website owners are still using text links to monetize their sites, though, some using the nofollow tag and some not.

The advantage of this method is that it is not intrusive. One can sell text links directly through his website or use specialized networks like Text-Link-Ads and Text-Link-Brokers to automate the process.

Text link marketplaces and networks:

    DigitalPoint Link Sales Forum

8. Sponsored Reviews

PayPerPost pioneered this model, with much controversy on the beginning (related to the fact that they did not require disclosure on paid posts). Soon other companies followed, most notably Sponsored Reviews and ReviewMe, refining the process and expanding the paid blogging model.

Joining one of these sponsored reviews marketplaces will give you the opportunity to write sponsored posts on a wide range of topics. Not all bloggers are willing to get paid to write about a specific product or website (because it might compromise the editorial credibility), but the ones who do are making good money out of it.

If your blog has a big audience you could also offer sponsored reviews directly, cutting off the commissions of the middleman.

List of sponsored reviews and paid blogging networks:

    Sponsored Reviews

9. Sponsors for Single Columns or Events

If you website has specific columns or events (e.g., a weekly podcast, an interview series, a monthly survey, a special project) you could find companies to sponsor them individually.

This method increases the monetization options for website owner, while giving advertisers the possibility to target a more specific audience and with a reduced commitment.

Mashable illustrates the case well. They have several advertising options on the site, including the possibility to sponsor specific columns and articles, including the “Daily Poll” and the “Web 2.0 Invites.”

Problogger also runs group writing projects occasionally, and before proceeding he publicly announce the project asking for sponsors.

10. RSS Feed Ads

With the quick adoption of the RSS technology by millions of Internet users, website owners are starting to find ways to monetize this new content distribution channel.

Feedburber already has its own publisher network, and you can sign-up to start displaying CPM based advertising on your feed footer. Bidvertiser recently introduced a RSS feed ad option as well, with a PPC scheme.

Finally, some blogs are also opting to sell banners or sponsored messages on their feed directly. John Chow and Marketing Pilgrim are two examples.

Related links:

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How Much Money Can You Make on YouTube?

4:49 AM |
How Much Money Can You Make on YouTube?

It would be hard to find a person who never wondered how much money you can make by uploading videos to YouTube, especially if one of your videos go viral. That’s exactly what happened with the video below where little Charlie bites the finger of his brother:

The video is now the 6th most viewed all time, with close to 430 million views. If you exclude commercial videos this is the most viewed one. And how much money did the parents make by uploading it?

They didn’t reveal the exact number, but they said it was more than $150,000. Not bad for 57 seconds and a camera huh?
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How to Keep Your Audience Coming Back for More? 3 Ways

4:38 AM |
Getting traffic to your blogs is not a rocket science. When you done few things right you can bring lots of organic traffic to your sites within less time (having targeted keywords in mind, proper SEO blog structure, internal linking etc.

If you want to keep your audience coming back for more, here are few things to do.

How to Keep Your Audience Coming Back for More? 3 Ways
Capture email addresses by giving more

One of the best ways to bring people again and again to your blogs is by capturing their emails. Whenever you publish a new article on your blog, you can use newsletters to send them to your subscribers to keep them coming back for more.

Having a great email list will not only increase website traffic, it also improves your product sales. But you must provide value to your email subscribers often to make money from your email marketing campaign.

Be active on social media

Social media has become a vital place for most bloggers to spread their ideas and brand.

Social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, Google+ etc will not only bring more online visibility for your blogs, but they will also have the tendency to make your blog go viral.

If you have more followers and fans on social media sites, you can bring drastic changes on your blogging journey. It’s very important for anyone who is blogging for a while to improve their social media interaction to boost their online presence.

If you are always posting useful stuff on your social media profiles, you will definitely be creating curiosity on your fans to read your links whenever you post something on your profiles. So always spend time on social media sites to share others stuff and to boost your online brand to keep your audience coming back for more stuff.
Create series posts

Series posts are attention pullers, most online readers visit your blogs again and again when you have right combination of series posts.

You can start writing series posts on any topic that your readers might be interested in. Few examples are, if you are running a bike advice blog, you could come up with “bike cleaning tips”, “bike maintenance service tips for busy people” etc. This way you will be able to grab the people’s attention who is interested in reading your stuff.

Moreover you can grab their email address by asking them to subscribe at the end of your each post. If they find your series posts interesting, they will certainly do whatever you ask them to do.

Pro tip: Don’t write too many posts in your series posts, limit your posts to 5 to 7 articles and you can complete them by posting everyday on your blogs, thus finishing your series within a week.

Have an appealing blog design, your blog should be designed to get the reader to do something. It could be anything from getting a blog comment to buying your affiliate products. Invest money to buy a premium theme or hire a professional to get a unique design for your blog, after all, first impression is the best impression in blogging.
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12 Things to Do Before Applying for Google Adsense

4:28 AM |
I know many of you want to make some good money with adsense right?  But it’s not easy to get into adsense program now a days. You have to do few things before applying for adsense.

Adsense is world’s larges Ads Network and works at Pay Per Click system. It’s paying rates are better than all of other networks which is the biggest reason it is so popular to all Bloggers and Webmasters. But since everybody is running behind them, they have made the approval system very strict. You make little mistakes and get disapproved every time. So you need a complete guidance and list of thing that you need to do before applying for Google Adsense and supposing that you are ready.

12 Things to Do Before Applying for Adsense

1. Privacy Policy :

One of the common mistakes that every Blogger makes and that I made many times before finally getting approved. Even though there are people out there who say that having a Privacy Policy for a Blog doesn’t makes sense but they are wrong.

A Privacy actually describes to your readers about what they will get on your Blog , what they should do and what they should not. So obviously there is nothing bad in having a Privacy Policy. While it can affect somehow on your Adsense Approval, you must give it a try. You can write it yourself or find Privacy Policy Generators online (You don’t need a lawyer anyway).

2. About Page

An About has major role and importance if you don’t want to apply for Adsense. But when it comes to Adsense, they are about Zero chances of getting approved if you are not showing this page.About page simply describes about you and your Blog . This will not only help you establish a relationship with readers but it will also make them trust upon you.

3. Contact Us Page

It’s quite obvious that everyone has his/her own opinion. What one of your readers likes may be bothering someone else. Than it is better to give them opportunity to speak up to you and tell how they feel about your Blog, what they want to be edited , what they liked or hated.

It will also show the Google Adsense Team that is viewing your site that you actually care about your readers and not only the money and Adsense.

4. Name/ Email Verification

Make sure to put you Name and Email address in some easily visible area like About Me and Contact Us pages. It will confirm to Google Adsense Team that it is the same person who applied for Adsense and not some spam, crappy bots.

5. Age Verification

Because this is where I encountered a problem. Instead of 18, I accidentally published my age as 17 while on Adsense Application Form, it was accurately 18.

Hence there started a problem . Because Google Adsense is not for under 18 people. I realized this problem after being disproved a few times without any legitimate reason. So I advice you to be accurate while typing your age.

6. Minimum Number of Posts

There is no exact answer. Not even one. Because I have seen very established Blogs with 400+ posts and their owner telling me that Google Adsense is rejecting them while somewhere ,people with 40,50 posts are enjoying making money. Exactly what I said that there is no actual answer. However, we can always predict things. According to my experience , you should only apply after you have more than 70 posts. Posts length should must be 500+ words too.

7. Top Level Domain

Those are gone far away when Adsense used to approve “Blogspot” and “” Blogs. As for today, you must have your own unique domain that specifies your Blog. If you don’t have one yet, stop dreaming about getting approved with Sub domains and go buy a Top Level Domain.

Another important thing about domain is it’s age. Because for most of Asian Countries, Adsense has placed an age restriction. They don’t accept any sites before they are 6 months old.

8. Design

Your Blog is the biggest thing after Content. This represents your expertise ,experience and Professionalism. So be careful because anything can kill your Chances.

9. Content Type

Be careful with what type of content you are publishing. Because it is something that truly matters. Google Adsense is not for Pornographic, Illegal Items, Drugs or other Blogs / Sites like that. Also Adsense team won’t be willing to allow you to step in if you own a Non English Blog. Having posts shorter than 300 words in length is also Red Signal.

10. Providing Value

Don’t complain about not making money and don’t clearly state that your are Blogging for Money only and have no other interest in it. Because this will show them that you will not be providing values to your readers any day. Hence another Red Light glows up.

11. Other Ad Networks

If you have any other Ads placed like Chitika, Clicksor or anything, it’s time to drop them off.

Even Google Adsense allows you to use other Ad Networks along with them, it’s better to remove the ads before Applying and don’t put them back until you get a reply from Adsense Team.

12. Paid Traffic

Google hates the sites that are getting Paid traffic and mostly penalizes them so there is not a damn chance of getting Adsense Approval letter for a site that is getting paid traffic. You can bring traffic from Search Engines or any other way you want but if you want to earn via Google Adsense the right way, paid traffic is not a solution.
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Why I Will Never Use Adsense on a Blog Again

4:09 AM |
Nine years ago I started a fitness blog, wrote some articles, slapped on an Adsense unit or two and then a year later sold it for $30,000. I was pretty happy with myself. And while it was the right move for me at the time I can’t help but wonder how much I could have sold it for if I had ignored Adsense and done something totally different.

In this article I am going to talk about why I will never use Adsense on a blog again. I hope at least some of you pay attention.

Why is Adsense is so attractive?

Let’s start the post by admitting that Adsense is very attractive to a lot of people. You just sign up for an account, write some blog posts and watch the money get paid into your account every month. It is quite alluring. I’ll never forget the feeling of my first $1 day, $10, $50 day and so on. Like a drug, I constantly checked my stats to see how many clicks I had got in the last ten minutes.

But while all this was happening I was losing money. Each Adsense click of between 10 cents and $5 represented a loss to my blog. I only wish that back then I had thought about the fact that there are much better ways to make money from a blog. Ways that perhaps aren’t as sexy in the short term, but work out to be a lot greater in the long run.

Why I will never use Adsense on a blog again

Now I want to get into the main bulk of this post and tell you why I will avoid Adsense on my blogs from now on. If anyone out there disagrees with me or has taken a similar course of action I would really love to hear about it.

1. Each click represents a lost reader
The purpose of blogging is to get readers. You craft headlines, opening paragraphs and content in order to catch people’s attention on social media and Google but then you send them off your blog by encouraging them to click Adsense ads. It is actually quite perplexing. I see hundreds of articles on how to increase Adsense CTR and get more clicks but no one ever seems to talk about the fact that maybe sending your hard earned visitors away is a very bad idea.

2. It dilutes your brand equity
When you place another advert on your website you are passing equity to that brand. For example, if Daniel put an advert for a spamming software on the side of Daily Blog Tips it means that he endorses that brand. So Daily Blog Tips’ brand is then associated with the spamming brand.

Adsense makes it hard because you do not have complete control over who advertises. Yes you can blacklist certain URLs but it would take a massive amount of time to make sure every brand that appeared on your site was a good one. I know the owner of a very large Luxury Watch blog who lost a lot of high profile Swiss contacts because his Adsense ads served up replica watch promotions.
So what should I do instead?

Now the question becomes about what one should do instead of Adsense. It is a very important question to ask. If I had asked it of myself ten years ago I imagine I would probably be earning five or ten times what I am today.

The answer is email subscribers
I have said it before and I will say it again. The money is in the mailing list. The most successful bloggers and web marketers all place an emphasis on capturing as many email subscribers as possible. Look at Problogger, Copyblogger, John Chow, Shoemoney and the rest; they all make millions of dollars a year because they have large lists of interested email subscribers who they can email to:

    Promote new products
    Any time you launch a new product you can send out an email or a series of emails designed to get people interested in and ready to buy. Darren Rowse did this recently when he launched his new book. Before it is even published he knows that he has close to 150,000 people that will look at the advert.
    Launch new websites
    What if you want to expand your website to something new or create a sister site? Well instead of doing all the ground work to get those initial users you just send out emails to your list. If it is relevant and related you will find that most of your fans follow you over.
    Sell affiliate products
    The last thing I will talk about here is the fact that niche email lists give you a massive opportunity to sell affiliate products to a very actionable audience. You can earn between 40% and 80% on affiliate sales by just sending out an email. You don’t even have to create the product, just promote other people’s.

Capturing email subscribers is a long term strategy that pays massive and ongoing dividends. Remember that visitor who clicked an Adsense ad and made you 30 cents? He could have subscribed to your list and be earning you hundreds of dollars a year by purchasing your products or ongoing affiliate offers.
What are your thoughts?

I’d really like to hear your thoughts on this matter as I know there are quite a few fans of Adsense here on Daniel’s site. Have you stopped using Adsense and tried something else with great success? Or do you think Adsense is the best earnings model and will never abandon it? Please drop a comment and let me know.
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Buddha was born in Nepal-See the Video

1:56 AM |

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Top 10 Best Ways To Earn Money Online

5:30 AM |

I thought it would be a good idea to write a post listing the top 10 ways to make money online since I get so many emails from people asking me what actually works out there.

Below I am going to go over each method and talk about how you can actually get started. I tried to list them in order, but honestly there isn’t one top way to make money because it all depends on your skills. Each person is unique, so what works for others might not work for you. Some people can make decent amount of money doing affiliate marketing while others can’t squeeze a dime and fail constantly at it.

So before you actually choose which money making method is right for you, make sure it’s something you totally see yourself doing or have passion for. These strategies work now in 2012 and will work in 2013, 2014, and for many more years to come.

1. Creating Mobile Apps – 
There is a mobile app for almost everything these days. You can actually make a lot of money creating simple apps that people find useful, funny, or entertaining.

The business model is quite simple too. You want to create apps that people want to download on their smartphone. You can charge per download or sell advertising space inside your apps.

Some apps get downloaded millions of times and get major exposure. This not only creates a huge revenue stream but also builds a customer base that you could sell other apps to you will develop later on.

Here is an article from listing 50 of the most popular iPhone apps for 2011.

How can you start developing apps? It’s simple, just save up some money first because you will need to outsource it lol (unless you are a coder/graphic designer/marketer then go for it)

You can outsource small apps on sites like Prices depend on the scale of your project. You could develop a simple game for about $2k-$5k.

I don’t know much about this so if I were you, I would do some extensive research on how to promote these apps and how to get them approved before you pull the trigger.

2. Selling Info Products & Software –
This is probably the most popular way to make money online because the cost of entry isn’t as high. You can create video courses using Camtasia studio and Powerpoint.

It doesn’t take long to write a nice 30-50 page ebook that you could start selling. There are places such as Warrior Forum (for IM niche only) where you can sell your info products without worrying about traffic.

The key is to find a niche full of impulse buyers. Info products sell very well to people who have problems. If you can solve their problem for them or show them how to get rid of it, then you will definitely make sales.

Software products are easy to sell. All you have to do is develop something that people want or need and show them on video how it works. It doesn’t get any easier than that.

You can hire a coder on,, or to develop a software application for you.

Here is an article I wrote about how to make money selling software.

3. Building Content Sites – I have always thought that the big money is in “producing content”. I am talking specifically about creating massive content sites. Some small affiliate sites do not fall into this category. Millions of dollars are being made from these content giants each year. Some of them sold for tens or even hundreds of millions.

Example: – sold for a cool $100 million to Yahoo…source link – sold for a whooping $315 million to AOL…source link – sold for a nice $20 million to AOL…source link
How would you like to work on a website for a couple of years and then turn around to sell it for tens of millions? You would not have to do anything for the rest of your life.
So how can you start a web property of this caliber? Well, for majority of people it’s not possible because in my opinion you need to invest funds into this project. Your $5k-10k won’t do it either. You need to hire writers, and have them post at least 10-20 well written and engaging articles per day.
Let’s just say it costs you $30/article. That’s a $600/day investment for a year. Of course, the site would start bringing in profits after a few months (if you know how to promote it right), but either way do you have $12k per month to throw at it?
Most people don’t have that kind of budget. Can you do it alone? I doubt it, you would burn out fast.

4. Publishing On Kindle –
This way of making money became very popular in 2011. It’s very simple too and anyone can do this.

Can you write a simple ebook? If yes, then you can publish on Kindle platform. Amazon will take care of everything for you.

You don’t need a payment processor, website, or a domain name. Just write your ebook and upload it to Amazon. Once approved it will automatically become available to millions of Kindle users.

There are a lot of resources online that you can read and even courses that you could purchase. I published an article on how to get started with Kindle publishing that you should check out.

The process is very simple. Write an ebook and design an ecover graphic for it. You could write something decent over one weekend. Then just decide what you want to charge for it and put it up on Amazon.

The big money is in volume. The more ebooks you have out there the more money you can make, although it’s possible to make a million dollars with just one Kindle book.

Here are some cool articles to read:

- How to make a million selling kindle ebooks –

- 99 Cent Kindle Millionaires –

Keep in mind that you don’t have to write fiction ebooks to succeed. Sell ebooks that solve problems. You could publish “How To” stuff and still do well.

5. Offline Marketing 
 – Believe it or not offline businesses are waking up to the fact they need an online presence. There are millions of businesses out there that don’t have a website or even a facebook fanpage.

You could take advantage of this and start offering your services for a fee and make some serious money.

It’s easy to rank sites for local businesses because they usually target keywords that are not very competitive and only in their local area.

Some marketers sell “do it for me” services that don’t even cost anything. A lot of businesses do not have a clue how to submit their listing to Google places. They are scared of technology and that creates an opportunity for you.

You could offer online marketing services not only in your local area but in many different cities.

A lot of brick and mortar business owners don’t know how to create a facebook fanpage. You could charge anywhere from $100 to $200 per setup and then even throw in some monthly fees for maintaining it every month for them.

There are many great opportunities here. If you are not afraid of contacting business owners and you know how to talk to them, then you might want to try this out.

6. Flipping Websites – 
You can build websites for the sole purpose of selling them. It works and it’s one of the best ways to make money online quickly. Don’t confuse it with the number 1 method I talked about above. It’s different because here you go for volume rather than working on one web property for years.

You could build an affiliate site that makes $500/month in affiliate commissions and easily sell it for about $5k on

The cool part is that with this strategy you can build up substantial capital in a short period of time for other bigger projects you want to jump into.

If you could sell 5 sites for $5k each that’s $25k in your bank account. Now invest into software development or build more sites to flip.

Once you have that kind of capital you can totally outsource the entire process. Flipping sites for profit is a solid business model.

Think about it…Would you rather own the site for 10 months to make the $5k, or would you rather sell it and get all that money upfront to start 2-3 more sites like that?

Here is a post I wrote about making money on Flippa a while ago.

7. Affiliate Marketing – 
This is my favorite way to generate revenue online. It’s probably the easiest too. The concept basically works like this:

- Find a niche where people spend money

- Find good relevant products to promote in that niche

- Drive traffic to your landing page where you presell the product

From my experience majority of people fail at being able to drive traffic. Without targeted traffic you cannot make money with affiliate marketing.

You can either go for free traffic or buy it. Paid traffic can produce instant results and data that is required to scale your affiliate campaign.

The problem is that over 90% of newbie affiliate marketers are broke, so they can’t afford to spend thousands of dollars on testing and optimizing campaigns.

If you got some capital saved up you could get straight into media buying and start banking overnight. As soon as you turn on the traffic and you know what you are doing, the sales start rolling in. It’s a great feeling!

But if you are low on budget then there is another way. You can build smaller affiliate niche sites and try to rank them for product review keywords. This method takes a little bit of time sometimes and can be frustrating. The key to making a good affiliate review site is quality content that actually provides value. Some one page site with 500 words article won’t cut it.

I wrote many posts about affiliate marketing here on my blog that you might find interesting.

- Affiliate sites that make money

- Make money while building a list

- 10 Steps to become a super affiliate
8. Video Marketing –
Becoming a celebrity is now easier than ever. You got something funny to share? Got talent? Make a video and upload it to Youtube!

Youtube also offers their partner program that allows you to not only customize your channel, but also to earn revenue from ads being displayed inside your videos.

Obviously you would need millions of views to make any substantial money from it. There is more to it though, because the big profits might not come from ads but from your following and other possibilities that open up when you become a famous Youtube celebrity. That’s where the big money is at.

Don’t have any talents? No problem, you can still use video marketing to make money online. Some people review products from Amazon using video, or drive traffic to their own blog where they can sell stuff.

I am sure you can find something valuable to share that people search for or need answers to.

Here is a post I published a while back listing 3 ways to make money with Youtube.

9. Selling Stuff On Craigslist Or Ebay – 
Got old stuff you don’t need? Sell them on Ebay or Craigslist. It’s a great way to earn some extra money when you are short on cash. You could actually make a full time income with this if you could find a source of products that you can sell over and over again.

One major drawback of making money this way is that you constantly need to ship stuff and you are ending up trading time for money.

Is it possible to build a stable business selling stuff on Ebay? Absolutely, but like I said you need to find things to sell that people actually want to buy.

I personally hate dealing with shipping and handling. For me to do this I would need to outsource the entire operation.

There are dropshipping companies out there, but it’s not easy to find something that someone else isn’t already selling at even lower prices.

You could go to garage sales and pick up stuff that people want to get rid off during summer time and list all that on Ebay. I know some folks that do that. They might not be making a killing from it, but still it’s extra money that can pay some bills.

10. Freelancing – 
I listed this method of making money at the bottom because I would hate to do this. If you are a good writer you can write articles, ebooks, reports, or blog posts for other marketers. You could ghostwrite a book and get paid well for it, but it’s basically a job not a way to build wealth.

If you know how to code you can apply for projects on and get paid when you deliver a finished product.

Can you make a full time income by being a freelancer? Sure, but you will be working hours everyday just to make someone else rich.

Check out my previous post on how to get paid well for writing articles.

The money making methods listed above are proven to work and people actually do make money with them. You should choose the one that you feel is best for you.

What’s important to notice is that the ones that are designed to build wealth require a substantial investment to get things started. Yes, it takes money to make money!

I am sure you’ve already been exposed to claims on other sites that you could make easy money doing nothing. Well, it doesn’t work like that.

The 3 things required for success are: patience, persistence, and money(most of the time)

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Why?? you might be not making any money?-?

5:17 AM |

If you are unknown earning money online then you might have lots of question on your mind. Most probably you haven’t earned your first dollar yet.

The most important thing is your work. If you are consistent then money will flood into your pocket and people will think you are a drug dealer(because of huge money in your pockets).
Here are my quick tips to earn fast……

1.  Have patience. It is hard to make a dollar online but once you earn that very first then being a millionaire is not that far away.
2.    Have your blog and self host it. Read my other post to know more as it is better to have a complete mind map rather a quick decision.
3. Believe yourself and have patience.
4.  Write atleast one article daily. Its not hard you can modify other articles from internet but make sure its unique.
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Top most free ways to make money online globally

5:06 AM |
Top most free ways to make money online globally

If you want to know how to earn money online then you are at right place. Make money online is really fun, if you get safe and legit methods. It took me 3 years to know and list the exact methods to earn. I tried different methods but i got into the hands of brokers many times. About 95% of my works were for spam from which i didn’t get any money. But, at the end some methods really made me money and prepared this list of Top 10 free ways to make money online.

The methods listed here doesn’t cost you. So, feel free to try. But, before you read this i would recommend you to read Few things Everyone most know before earning online .

I urge you to read all the articles linked here to get the best result. Why not take some time and know more things. Have Patience you will get the result.

I) Google Adsence: It is the service provided by Google which allows the user to display ads on their blog/websites and get paid if it gets clicked. You can make huge amount with it. The more popular and bigger your blog the more you make money. Most popular websites are making money with this program.  The earning varies from the blog to blog and the ads displayed.

II) Affiliate Marketing:  Affiliate marketing is a very powerful tool to make money. It is the process of selling someone’s stuff or products by you. You get commission for selling their product. You can make million dollars with little effort and task. You can apply this method onto your blog to earn more. You can read more about it here.

III)Blogging: It is by far the best thing to get started with to make money online. To set up a blog it is Super easy. You can set up your blog with free platforms like Blogger or WordPress. You can apply many ideas into that single blog to earn.  But, to succeed choosing the blog of right name and category is very important. Things to know before blogging.

IV) Guest writing: This is also a very cool technique. You will get paid for writing articles for other blogs or website. Your article must be related to their blog/website. If your article is food they will publish your article with your name and pay too.  It will also help you to build a network.

V)Data Entry: Though this job doesn’t pay you much, it is much easier to start off and check whether you can make money online or not. You get paid for just few words or few click. As a beginner you can try this method easily. The task includes simple signup, Facebook like/comment,youtube like/comment,sharing,etc. It may sound crazy to you but it’s true. Some of them are and I recommend you to sign-up for both of them.

VI)Writing eBooks: If you are good at writing then you may earn by writing an ebook about anything. It may tell about anything but the information must be true and systematic. There must not be any articles that tends to fool the reader. It may be of any length. It doesn’t mean that it should be long. It may even 10 pages or 100 pages but the content must be original and true. I will discuss about it more later. You can sell your eBook through your blog/websites and keep the full money.

VII) Squidoo: This is the method to make money with you write an article and submit it in the form of lens. The secret is to keep your affiliate links inside so you can get paid. Also, you get paid by sharing the revenue of the adsence amount they get from your lens(article).
6)Freelancing: This is for those who are professional trained at their fields. If  you are good at designing webpage,logo design, Writing articles, Correcting grammar,etc. You are paid high amount for doing the task. You get a task by bidding for the project. oDesk,Elance,Guru are some major websites.

VIII) Make software: Yes, if you have enough knowledge about coding then you can earn by selling a simple software you made. You can earn by selling it. Also, you can make money by giving the software for free but you should place some ads there. I’ll discuss about it later.

10)Upload files: Sharing files is growing as a business nowadays. People are making handsome amount by just sharing others stuff. You get paid if the file you shared is downloaded by others usually 1000 times. As, the earning is limited i don’t really recommend it now especially in Nepal.
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Bigg Boss 7 review: Packed with star power, but overall quite thanda!

10:51 PM |
Bigg Boss 7 review: Packed with star power, but overall quite thanda!   

The seventh season of the controversial reality show Bigg Boss has just begun and with all the fireworks and masala of the big event, it failed to impress us…

Salman Khan has returned to the tube as the host for the fourth consecutive time with the seventh season of Bigg Boss. But sadly, the glitzy glamorous event that introduced the contestants and the changed concept of Bigg Boss Saath 7 failed to impress us. We thought that the show would start with a tour of the glass walled house by Salman, like it does every year. Instead, the Dabangg dude kicked off the reality show by praying. He sarcastically asked the Almighty to give him self confidence to host Bigg Boss Saath 7. That’s not all. Considering the series of heated conversations he had with last season’s contestants Imam Siddique and Sapna Bhavnani, he also prayed that he keeps his cool this year. Of course, we did our own bit of praying to, that God not grant this particular wish. After all, viewers – and us, of course – like it when Salman tears the contestants apart. Hai na?
VJ Andy was the second contestant and sauntered in showing off his signature style of shorts and blazer. Salman indirectly told him that he was the next Imam Siddique and yes, wethinks he was completely right. Judging by the conversation Andy had with the Dabangg dude, we are pretty sure that Andy is already in Salman’s bad books. He took the jannat door too. And Tanishaa and Andy were given the task by Bigg Boss to send the other participants to heaven or hell. As the clock ticked on, the others – Gauhar Khan, Shilpa and Apurva Agnihotri, Hazel Keech, Kushal Tandon, Rajat Rawail, Elli Evram, Sangram Singh, Pratyusha Banerjee, Armaan Kohli and Anita Advani – were introduced and sent to their sections of the house by the first two entrants.
The event continued with the eternal bachelor introducing the contestants one by one. It was Tanishaa Mukerji who entered the house first and showed off a bit of what it was like in there. Her mother and yesteryear actor Tanuja, and sister, Bollywood star Kajol introduced her through a video clip. And more than to see the wannabe starlet simpering and swaying in her introductory song, we were eager to get our first peek at the house. The theme of this season, as the makers call it, is jannat (heaven) and jahanam (hell). The mad cap house has been divided into two parts, each accessible through a different door, white for jannat and black for jahanam. Tannishaa chose white. As Salman Khan said, this time the Bigg Boss house will make everyone go WOW and AAAOW at the same time.

The contestants of this season of Bigg Boss are a mixed bunch, but wethinks the makers could have done better. There are so many controversial figures who could have been roped in to do the show. This group will, we hope, add the much-needed masala. After all, Bigg Boss without drama and controversy is like Mumbai without vada pav!

There were a few entertaining guests who came in to add tadka to Salman’s hosting. Akshay Kumar was there to promote his new film Boss. Comedian Kapil Sharma joined Salman on the show along with Upasana Singh and Ali Asgar, who are seen as his aunt and grandma in Comedy Nights With Kapil.

On the whole, the theme of Bigg Boss Saath 7 is perfect. The house looks very interesting, especially the hell side, which will come as a bit of a shock to the inmates, we know. Salman is at his wicked best and looks fit and healthy. Now all we can do is wait for the fireworks and hope for plenty of bang for this show’s buck!
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Grand Masti movie review: A mindless sleaze fest that tests your patience!

10:46 PM |
 Grand Masti, Aftab Shivdasani, Grand Masti movie review, Grand Masti review, Karishma Tanna, Indra Kumar,  Manjari Fadnis, maryam zakaria, Riteish Deshmukh, Masti, milap zaveri,  Vivek Oberoi   
Grand Masti movie review: A mindless sleaze fest that tests your patience!   

The makers of this sex comedy insist that critical acclaim doesn’t matter to them. But the fact is that they have made a shamelessly filthy film called Grand Masti for which they should be hanging their heads in shame, in disgust….

So gross is Grand Masti that young couples (the target audience!) were seen walking out of the theatre mid-way, even before before the interval. Just because I had to tell my readers how bad GM is in totality, I had to sit through the entire film.

Nothing could be worse than watching this film, unless it is to a review of it. Trust me, I have been through enough trials and tribulations in the name of Zila Ghaziabad, Himmatwala and Once Upon Ay Time In Mumbai Dobaara, among others, as have my colleagues in film journalism. But it’s especially difficult to believe that Indra Kumar is the director who once made entertaining films like Dil, Beta and Ishq. Grand Masti (GM) happens to be a new direction for the very same filmmaker and it’s a pity that he chose to take it on. He hasn’t had a hit for a long time and this one doesn’t promise to change his f… oops, sorry!… we mean luck for the better (blame it on the after-effects of watching GM).

Let’s accept it – sex comedies sell, but in our hypocritical society no one will openly admit to liking them for some strange reason… could it be double standards? Milap Zaveri, who scripted Masti, the first-of-its-kind adult comedy, and has also penned its sequel Grand Masti, says that Indians have always loved sex comedies. Yes, we like intelligent ones Milap, but not the deliberately downmarket, cheap, vulgar and cheesy kind! What we must say here is that Masti was also an eye-opener that took Bollywoodian sexual comedy to a new level. It was a pioneer in a subject that Hindi movies had been leery of exploring.

We have all received SMS forwards full of sexual innuendos, some funny and some just plain predictable. But imagine a two-and-half-hour long series of these ‘jokes’ and rip-offs of Hollywood’s iconic scenes – this time Aftab Shivdasani does a Jim Carrey act a la Ace Ventura when he tries to escape from a buffalo’s ass – or Mr Bean in desi translation. Indra Kumar has collated a bunch of such gags and invited a group of actors and his crew to the party…oh, yes, somewhere along the way he filmed it all.

It seems Zaveri was too lazy this time to create a real plot, so GM is merely a series of bad and vulgar jokes that allows the writer to throw in as many puerile sexual innuendos as possible. It only consists of gags, spoofs and smut. Each line, each scene reiterates the fact that it is a sex comedy. In fact, it drills that into your brain so hard that by the end of it you want to grab something far stronger than an aspirin to dull the pain.

The girls – Bruna Abdullah, Karishma Tanna, Sonalee Kulkarni, Kainaat Arora, Maryam Zakaria and Manjari Fadnis – don’t have much to do, but they serve their purpose by looking sexy and wearing itty-bitty clothes. We certainly do not recommend you see Grand Masti, since it’s an assault on the brain and the soul. But we know you’ll watch it anyway!
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Is Katrina Kaif really the sexiest woman of 2013?

10:42 PM |
Tags: 2013’s Sexiest Woman, Anushka Sharma, Babli badmaash, Chennai Express, Chikni Chameli, Deepika Padukone, Dhoom:3, Dhoom:3 teaser, FHM, FHM India, Jab Tak Hai Jaan, Katrina Kaif, Priyanka Chopra, Ranbir Kapoor, Zanjeer 2.0   

A poll by FHM magazine says so. But do you agree?

Ranbir Kapoor said in an interview that he would give his life for current girlfriend Katrina Kaif. We understand why. Kat is as sexy as sexy can get! And rightly so, feel her fans, the Chikni Chameli babe has been voted as 2013’s Sexiest Woman by FHM India magazine. She has topped the list yest again – for the fourth time if we’re not wrong – showing how much of a fave she is for Bollywood audiences.

But does Katrina still ooze the same oomph as when she was younger? What do you think, BollywoodLifers?

Looking at the Dhoom:3 teaser, wethinks she’s definitely a hottie and we cannot seem to take our eyes off her. But does she have no competition from the newer, younger heroines in terms of sex appeal? Voting her as the sexiest woman over and over again ahead of heroines like Deepika Padukone, Anushka Sharma and Priyanka Chopra seems a bit too much!

After all, Kat has had no film release this year yet, with Dhoom:3 coming out on December 20. And Deepika has just delivered a super duper hit with Chennai Express. And Priyanka is ever popular what with her movies like Zanjeer 2.0, her Babli badmaash item songs and international singles like Exotic and In my city. As for Anushka, wethinks her long legs worked better in the bore fest Jab Tak Hai Jaan than Kat’s charm.

But if you think Kat deserves the hottest woman ka khitab, tell us what you like about her that makes her so desirable, peeps!
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Amazing World-Most Unbelieveable Photos

3:36 AM |
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Dhoom 3 -Officail Trailer

3:32 AM |
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SAFF Championship: Afganisthan vs Bhutan Match Highlights

5:41 AM |

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Eighth SAFF Championship:Recent News

4:47 AM |
KATHMANDU, SEP 04 - The second match of the Group 'B' clash between Sri Lanka and Afghanistan  is running on at Halchowk ground in the Capital on Wednesday.

However it was first Sri Lanka who took the lead in the first half. But, Afghanistan came back strongly in the second half, scoring two goals and are leading the contest 2-1 .
In thr first match of their play Maldives beat them by 10-0 but in their second match it was not so .  In their first match, Afghanistan had defeated Bhutan by 3-0.

The Afghani football team was the runners-up in the earlier edition held in India.
The next scheduled match is between Bhutan and Maldives which is going to start on 6:30 at Dasarath Stadium.
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See Dragon Wars Hindi Film(Full Part)

12:49 AM |

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New Nepali Teej Song By Pashupati Sharmaand Jyoti Magar

11:04 PM |

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शिक्षकले ७ कक्षामा पढ्ने छात्रालाई गुप्तंग देखाए पछी को अवस्था !

2:55 AM |
शिक्षकले विद्यार्थीलाई आफ्नै लिङ्ग देखाउँदै दुर्व्यहार प्रयास गरेपछि मंगलवार जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयमा अनौठो दृष्य देखियो। एक– दुई कक्षामा पढ्ने देखि १० सम्मका विद्यालय पोसाक लगाएका तीन सयभन्दा बढी विद्यार्थी नाराजुलुस गर्दै आएपछि प्रहरी पनि एकछिन्र छक्क पर्‍यो। विद्यार्थीको इज्जत लुट्न खोज्ने शिक्षकलाई कारवाही गर्नु पर्ने माग राख्दै सदरमुकामको महेन्द्रज्योती उच्च माविका विद्यार्थी कक्षा बन्द गरी प्रहरी कार्यालय आएका हुन्। सोमवार साँझ गोरखा नगरपालिका-१० को सेन्ट जोसेफ बोर्डिङ स्कुलका शिक्षक रामजी पाण्डले महेन्द्र ज्योती उच्च मावि कक्षा ७ मा पढ्ने १३ वर्षीया छात्रालाई जबरजस्ती गर्न खोजेको आरोप लगाइएको छ। मंगलवार विद्यालयमा उक्त घटना थाहा भएपछि सबै विद्यार्थी र शिक्षक दुर्ब्यवहार गर्ने शिक्षकलाई कडा कारवाहीको माग गर्दै विद्यालय बन्द गरेर दवाब दिन प्रहरीमा आए। नाराजुलुस गर्दै आएको विद्यालयका शिक्षक स्टाफ, विद्यार्थी, अविभावक सहितको टोलीले शिक्षकलाई कारवाहीको माग राख्दै प्रहरीमा ठाडो उजुरी दिएका छन्। विद्यालयका प्रचार्य लक्ष्मण आचार्यले भने, 'हाम्रो विद्यार्थीलाई र्दुब्यवहार भएको थापा पाएपछि बैठक बसेर न्यायका लागि प्रहरीमा आएका हौँ।'
आउ आउ भन्दै लखेट्यो : पीडित छात्रा सोमवार साँझ धाराबाट पानी लिएर फर्कँदै गरेको समयमा शिक्षकले लिङ्ग देखाउँदै लखेटेको पीडित विद्यार्थीलाई उदृत गर्दै विद्यालयले जनाएको छ। पीडित विद्यार्थीले नागरिकन्युजसँग भनिन् 'एक साता अघि पनि पानी बाकेर फर्कँदै गर्दा लखेटेको थियो, हिजो लिङ्ग देखाएर आउ-आउ भन्दै लखेट्यो।' दुब्यवाहार गर्ने शिक्षक पाण्डे विबाहीत हुन्। उनी सेन्ट जोसेफ स्कुलमा मावि तह म्म अंग्रेजी विषय पढाउँछन्। आफूलाई फसाउन घटनालाई तोडमोड गरिएको प्रहरीको बयानमा उनले भनेका छन्। पिसाब फेरिरहेको समयमा ती विद्यार्थीले देखेको बताउँदै उनले जबरजस्ती गर्न नखोजेको बताए। प्रहरीले हिजो साँझ नै शिक्षक पाण्डेलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिएर अनुसन्धान गरिरहेको प्रहरी निरिक्षक डिलबहादुर मल्ले बताए। उनले भने ...अनुसन्धान भइरहेको छ, पुष्टि भएपछि ऐन अनुसार आवश्यक कारवाही गछौँ।'भिडियो हेर्नको लागि तलको बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस् ।
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TIA aircraft load restriction may hit Nov poll plan

4:59 AM |
 The government’s failure to repair the Tribhuvan International Airport runway could cost the country’s election plans dear, with the Election Commission growing wary of a possible delay in importing around 500 tonnes of ballot-printing paper.

After the recent monsoon-induced damages in the runway, the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal has requested international airlines to restrict their load to 196 tonnes until September 30, when the whether gets drier.

According to experts at the TIA , the runway of the country’s only international airport develops cracks as it becomes soggy during the monsoons.

As a result, cargo planes loaded with 485 tonnes of the printing paper purchased by the UNDP and  that were scheduled to land at the airport in the next two weeks are likely to not arrive in time.

Though CAAN officials have not ruled out possibilities of relaxing such a load ceiling for special flights, there has been no agreement to transport the ballot printing papers so far.
'We have communicated the load ceiling decision to the concerned authority,' General Manager at the TIA Dinesh Shrestha said.

The other alternatives, according to officials, are to double the number of flights for the consignment or import the paper via land. While the supplier plans to use five cargo planes, CAAN officials have suggested they use at least 10 under these circumstances. EC officials, however, fear that poll-opposing forces in the country could block the supply of the paper if brought via the land route.

EC officials said the election schedule could be adversely affected if the papers fail to arrive on time, as, according to them, formulating a ‘plan B’ would take a very long time.

“We are still hopeful that there is a way out to have the papers here as scheduled. Should that fail, the supplier will have to go for alternatives,” said Chief Election Commissioner Neel Kantha Uprety.

As part of its commitment to support Nepal’s elections, the UNDP, on behalf of all donors, has already purchased the paper from a Dubai-based company, which has its outlets in New Delhi, Copenhagen and Cape Town.

Sources said that if the TIA allows landing of fully-loaded cargo planes, it would take at least five aircraft to transport the paper to Kathmandu from the vendor’s nearest outlet in New Delhi.

However, CAAN officials also said that though they have issued a circular restricting wide-body aircraft over 196 tones, the restriction could be relaxed for special purposes.
A loaded Boeing 747-8 cargo aircraft weighs 448 tonnes at take off and that weight goes beyond the TIA limit if each of the five aircraft share the 485 tonnes of the paper along with other heavy printing machines and accessories.
After the papers arrive, the EC plans to print over 3 million ballot papers within a month. As per the laws, the EC must supply the ballot papers to all polling stations one month ahead of the election.
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Koirala to contest CA polls from Banke constituency-1

4:56 AM |
 Nepali Congress President Sushil Koirala 's name has been recommended from the Banke constituency-1 for the upcoming Constituent Assembly election slated for November 19.

In the first CA election, Koirala had contested from Banke constituency-3, and had lost to Madhesi Janadhikar Forum's Sarwadev Ojha.

A meeting of the NC Regional Committee on Sunday recommended Koirala'a name unanimously from the constituency-1.

In the earlier elections of 2048 and 2056 B.S., Koirala had triumphed from the constituency-3.
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NSP's firm on its stance, not to talk to govt

4:51 AM |

The Nepal Sadbhawana Party  has taken a stance not to sit in talks with the government by breaking the ongoing hunger strike.

Chairperson of the party, Sarita Giri , has been staging fast-unto-death at Ratnapark from August 20 putting forth various demands including for increase of constituencies in Tarai on the basis of population growth.

Spokesperson of the party, Govinda Saha, said that Giri decided not to sit in talks with the government by breaking the hunger-strike.

The Council of Ministers, Consultation and Coordination Committee had called the party for talks for August 27.

The party has sent a letter about its stance to the Committee today. The hunger-strike would be continued until the demands are met, according to the party.Health condition of leader Giri is deteriorating. RSS
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Nembang, Khanal, recommended from Ilam constituencies

4:18 AM |
 While the local committees are yet to formally recommend names of candidates for the November 19

Constituent Assembly  election, top CPN-UML leaders look decided on their constituencies.

Party sources said Khanal is also eying one constituency in Kathmandu to secure his position in the CA. “He [Khanal] is interested in contesting even from Kathmandu. If not, he will prefer his previous electoral constituency,' a leader close to Khanal told the Post on Saturday.
Party Chairman Jhala Nath Khanal is set to contest the polls along with five other party members, from Ilam’s constituency -1, the same area where he had won the seat in the 2008 CA election .

Likewise, Subash Nembang , chairperson of the now-dissolved CA, is all set to contest the upcoming CA polls from Illam's constituency -2. Although the regional committee was to submit five candidates, the committee meeting unanimously recommended Nemwang. The five other contesters along with Khanal at constituency -1 are Kajiman Kagate, Bir Bahadur Lapcha, Khinu Langwa and Ratna Adhikari.

Likewise, Mahesh Basnet, Bhakta K.C.,  Krishna Shrestha and Padam Bhandari,Tek Bahadur Rai, have been recommended for constituency -3.

Meanwhile, NC on Sunday announced the name of 3 candidates for direct and 5 for Proportional Representation at the three constituencies of Ilam Dist.
UCPN-Maoist has already recommended their 15 candidates from the district's three constituencies. 
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